The Best Paints for Children’s Art
How to Encourage Children’s Artistic Expression
One of the secrets to encourage children to pursue art is to ensure success in learning. This means supplying good quality art materials for kids to explore. When it comes to paints, practicality pervades, which means non-toxic, low-odour and water-soluble. I would recommend acrylic paints. Good quality acrylics such as Daler Rowney or Winsor & Newton have a high tinting strength and easy flow. This means the paint can be manipulated easily, whether a solid block of colour is the aim or detail. System 3D acrylics enable young artists to apply the paint impasto, as it has body. Liquitex is also recommended. For economy, purchase large pots and dish out only what is required for the art project. Children should be informed not to allow the paint to dry on the brushes as this will ruin the bristles.
Pigments for Kid’s Artwork
A wide pigment range is not necessary to mix a variety of colours. In fact, the purchase of a mere handful will provide all the colour mixes children need. I would recommend the following pigments:
The three primary colours, which in acrylics are: process yellow, process magenta and process cyan. Useful others are: ultramarine, lemon yellow, cadmium red, viridian, burnt sienna, burnt umber and black. A large tub of white will be invaluable.
Children’s Art Brushes
Synthetic sables brushes are cheap to buy and long-lasting. Rounds sizes 6 and 10 would be useful for detail. Household brushes for edging windowsills or such can be used for applying large areas of colour. Different sizes can be purchased from any DIY shop. Other mark making implements can be used for art projects, which might be: old toothbrushes, combs, sponges, rags, spatulas and spoons. Hobby shops provide stamps for impressing with.
Art Surfaces for Beginners
Cheap paper will buckle and perish if too much water is applied over the surface. To prevent this, prefer thick paper (at least 240gsm) or card. Paper can also be primed with cheap white acrylic paint or emulsion. This paint is water-soluble but provides a tough, water-resistant surface. (Artists use gesso primer for this purpose but gesso can be costly). A large tub will cover countless art surfaces and will seal the absorbency of the paper or card. Simply apply a coat via a wide brush and allow to dry over four hours. Clean the brushes immediately afterwards in warm, soapy water.
Other Art Materials for Kids’ Art Lessons
Sturdy plastic pots for holding water and storing brushes, newspaper, aprons, rags and a place for the paintings to dry will come in useful. Any non-absorbent object can be used as an artist’s palette; old china plates, varnished wood or Clingfilm stretched over a piece of card. Once finished with, the Clingfilm can simply be folded inwards and disposed with.
What to Paint for Kids
Unless the painting is runny, I will peg the paintings onto an old clothes horse or line to dry. Good visual resources in the form of photographs or magazine cuttings might spur inspiration. Imagery such as close-ups of objects, animals, interesting weather, plants or patterns can be used. A repository of interesting objects for still life can be sourced from charity shops or simply a rife through the attic. Sea shells, ornaments, toys, leaves or household objects can create interest.
The Children’s Art Studio
Art Lessons for Kids
Kids' art lesson on abstract art
About primary colours
Thank you so much for sharing this information. As an artist, it is essential to have the best Art Supplies Adelaide. Ensure that the materials you are using are quality and outrated.